12 November 2009

All Hands...er...Paws On Deck

Quick, Mommy is making a quilt! She needs our help! Fred, you stand off to the side and be ready to jump in when she gets it all smooth and needs extra hands. George, you go head butt her and keep it up the entire time she is on the floor--she will appreciate your moral support. I will sit here on the quilt and hold it down for her. Ready....GO!

Thank you, furkids. I couldn't do it without you I am sure.


laura said...

What is it with them!? I even try to be sneaky and throw fabric scraps on the floor in an effort to distract my cat. But no! She steps right over them and flops down on my good stuff! EVERY TIME!!

~Michelle~ said...

made me laugh, thanks - I have my helpers too :)

Summerset said...

LOL. My cats think they can do pattern layouts better than I can.

amber said...

Too cute. Beautiful color combo in that quilt, btw.

Lindsey said...

I feel for you. My 'children' do the same thing. :)

Nishant said...

My cats think they can do pattern layouts better than I can.

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